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Dentures – Soldotna, AK

Traditional, Timeless & Trustworthy Prosthetics

Woman with dentures smiling

Do you suffer from extensive tooth loss? You’re not alone. According to the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), roughly 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and 40 million are missing all their teeth. If you contribute to either statistic, you understand just how much tooth loss can affect your quality of life. Fortunately, you don’t have to live that way forever. At Soldotna Dental Arts, our restorative dentist offers dentures to help rebuild your smile and recharge your confidence. If you’re ready to bid farewell to gaps in your smile, continue reading or schedule a consultation with our dentistry team today to discuss tooth replacement with dentures in Soldotna, AK!

Why Choose Soldotna Dental Arts for Dentures?

  • Natural-Looking, Fully Customized Restorations
  • Dental Insurance Welcome & Financing Available
  • Experienced Dentist With Diverse Training

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Woman with dentures smiling

Whether you’re missing several teeth or an entire arch, you may be eligible to get dentures. This method of tooth replacement is excellent for patients who want to enjoy a complete, functioning smile once again. During your consultation, your restorative dentist in Soldotna will conduct an oral examination to determine if this solution is right for you. It’s incredibly important that you have healthy gums to support your new prosthetics. That said, if you have problems like tooth decay or gum disease, you’ll need to work the appropriate care into your treatment before you can start the denture process.

Effects of Missing Teeth

Illustration of a missing tooth

Tooth enamel is the strongest material in the entire body. However, it isn’t completely indestructible. Teeth can become damaged and lost in many different ways, including tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma to the mouth. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, there are numerous negative side effects of tooth loss, like facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and low self-confidence. By replacing your missing teeth with dentures, you can improve all of these areas, resulting in a better quality of life.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

Man getting dentures at the dentist

Dentures are an excellent option for those who are missing multiple, most of, or all of their teeth. Depending on the number of teeth that you are missing and where they are located in the mouth. Our team can put together a customized treatment plan to meet your needs. It is important that you have good oral health before you can get dentures, so any existing tooth decay or gum disease needs to be addressed and eliminated beforehand. Once your existing teeth and gums are looking good, we can move on to planning the rest of the process.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

Digital illustration of a dental implant

If dentures don’t sound like they are up your alley, but you still want to replace your missing teeth, you might benefit from another tooth replacement option that we offer. Here are the other ones that are available:

  • Dental Bridge: A dental bridge works by “bridging” the gap in your smile with a replacement tooth. The replacement, tooth, also called a “pontic,” is supported by two dental crowns that are placed on the adjacent teeth. This is ideal for those who are only missing one or a few consecutive teeth.
  • Dental Implants: A dental implant is a screw-like post that is surgically inserted into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth. This requires that the patient has a healthy jawbone. Dental implants have a higher upfront cost, but they are made to last for many decades or even the rest of your life.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Types of Dentures

Man and woman with dentures smiling

During a consultation, Dr. Christensen will assess your goals and needs to narrow down the right type of denture for you. Based on his findings, he’ll recommend one of the following options:

Partial Dentures

Model smile with partial dentures

If you’re only missing a few teeth, partial dentures may be the ideal option for you. They fit between the teeth, seamlessly closing gaps throughout your smile. The gum-colored base and custom-shaded teeth are held in place using small metal clasps that loop around the neighboring teeth.

Full Dentures

Hand holding a full denture

For patients missing an entire row of teeth, full dentures are an excellent solution to consider. They also have a discreet, gum-colored base and natural-looking teeth like partials. Full dentures sit on top of the gums and are held in place using natural suction or a small amount of denture adhesive.

Implant Dentures

Model implant denture

Do you want unmatched stability and durability? You might want to consider getting implant-retained dentures. A full or partial denture is attached to several dental implants that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. Because the titanium posts are placed in the bone, they stimulate it to prevent deterioration and your new teeth benefit from greater stability. Additionally, you can expect to enjoy your new smile for several decades with proper care and maintenance!

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures patient in Soldotna smiling

With missing teeth, many daily activities like eating, speaking and even smiling can become more of a chore. Dentures can change this, acting as a tool to enhance your quality of life by keeping your body and your spirits in top condition. Whether you’re missing many teeth or all of them, Dr. Christensen can provide you with high-quality prosthetics to change your life for the better. Continue reading below to learn more about the exciting benefits that dentures from Soldotna Dental Arts have to offer.

Psychological Benefits

Dentures patient in Soldotna looking in the mirror

One of the first things you’ll notice with your new dentures is the impact they can have on your mood. Many patients find the gaps in their smile embarrassing or feel like they have failed as a person in some way. Some become withdrawn, even from those they love. Without healthy connections, they can feel isolated or depressed. Dentures offer a way to restore your smile, enhancing your appearance, and giving you back your mental drive and self-esteem.

Clearer Enunciation

Dentures patient in Soldotna talking with friends

Have you been struggling to make out certain words or sounds? Teeth are more than tools for chewing, they also help facilitate speech! Without them, your tongue can’t find the right placement and air doesn’t fill your cheeks the way it should. Dentures fill the gaps, supporting your lips and tongue for proper positioning. While it may take some getting used to, dentures will eventually allow you to speak naturally once again!

Improves Nutrition

Dentures patient in Soldotna eating

Unfortunately, some of the best foods for you, especially as you get older, have a tougher texture. Fibrous vegetables, whole grains, and healthy proteins are harder to chew with even a few missing teeth. The mouth is the first step in the digestive process, and without the ability to break down your food properly, you may begin to experience indigestion or feel weaker due to malnutrition. With denture prosthetics, you’ll be able to chew thoroughly and eat a wider variety of fresh, wholesome foods.

Preserves Oral Health

Dentures patient in Soldotna brushing their dentures

After tooth loss, any remaining natural teeth you have will begin to shift to make up for the missing ones. This places more strain on these teeth when you chew, causing them to wear down faster. In addition, the shifting of your smile can affect how your teeth fit together. Over time, this can cause pain in your jaw and create food traps where plaque and bacteria can build up freely. Dentures slow the shifting process and take the pressure off your other teeth, making them easier to clean and preventing excessive wear and tear.

Expands Opportunity

Dentures patient in Soldotna shaking hands with an employer

When most patients begin needing the help of dentures, they’re in or near the peak years of their careers. Whether you work in a front-facing sales position or in an office surrounded by co-workers, a healthy smile is essential. Your grin is one of the first things a client or employer will see, so it’s important to make a great impression.

If you’re ready to experience these benefits for yourself, give us a call to schedule a consultation. Dr. Christensen will give you a thorough exam, discuss your goals, and help you find the perfect prosthetic to meet your needs.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Man discussing the cost of dentures

After learning about dentures, you’re probably more excited than ever to start rebuilding your smile. However, you may be wondering about the cost of dentures in Soldotna before you decide to move forward with the process. During your consultation, our team at Soldotna Dental Arts will conduct an oral examination and explain which factors will affect the final price. Following the appointment, you’ll have a better understanding of what you can expect to pay for your treatment.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

Two partial dentures on smile models

Multiple considerations can influence the price of dentures in Soldotna, including:

  • Any work needed beforehand like tooth extractions or periodontal therapy
  • The number of teeth you’re missing
  • The type of acrylic used for the base (the part that is dyed to match the color of the gum tissue)
  • The materials your denture will be made of (usually porcelain or acrylic)

Is cost a priority? If so, you may be tempted to opt for cheaper dentures. Even though the upfront cost is certainly lower, they tend to break easily and require replacement much sooner than you’d expect. That’s why quality should always be of utmost importance, regardless of the cost. 

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Dentist showing dental patient implant denture model

Yes, implant dentures are generally more expensive than traditional ones. However, there’s a good explanation for that. They require oral surgery and the placement of multiple dental implants, making them more reliable for everyday use since they do not shift out of place. Many patients discover this method of tooth replacement is well worth the investment because of several tremendous benefits.

Not only do implants stimulate the jawbone, but they can last decades or even a lifetime with proper care and maintenance with help from your denture dentist in Soldotna. That means you won’t have to worry about replacing your dentures nearly as often!

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Woman with dentures smiling

Dentures are considered a major procedure which is why most dental insurance plans will cover approximately 50 percent of their cost. Certainly, every policy is unique, meaning the amount of coverage provided will vary from patient to patient. If you have any questions about your plan, contact your insurance provider or ask our dental team for assistance. We will gladly review the details of your policy and do everything possible to maximize your benefits and reduce out-of-pocket expenses.

Another Option for Making Dentures Affordable

Dentistry patient filling out dental insurance forms

We understand not everyone has dental insurance which is why we offer an additional financing option to make your dental bills much easier to manage. With CareCredit Financing, you can split up the total cost of your treatment into smaller, budget-friendly monthly installments. Options even come with little-to-no interest!

Ready to begin down the path to a beautiful, complete smile? Contact us today to schedule a consultation so we can answer any questions you might have.

Denture FAQs

Is Wearing Dentures Uncomfortable?

The majority of patients will likely need to go through an adjustment period once they’ve received their brand-new dentures. This is because your tongue, lips, and the rest of your mouth will have to get accustomed to having your prosthetics. It’s also natural to feel some mild soreness, awkwardness, and slight gum irritation initially. However, most of your symptoms should be short-lived and simply require some practice getting used to your new teeth.

Of course, you’ll want to make some dietary changes as well as take over-the-counter painkillers to help make your adjustment process smoother. You should also take time to practice speaking with your dentures, especially on sounds and words that are more difficult. Make sure to cut your food into small pieces so that isn’t as difficult to chew your food, and remember to chew on both sides of your mouth. In many cases, it can take about a month to adjust to new dentures, but this varies between people.

Am I Too Young to Get Dentures?

Tooth loss is a prevalent issue for many who are 60 years old or older, but this doesn’t mean that there are younger people who don’t require this treatment. Nearly anyone can experience tooth loss at any point in their life due to a wide range of reasons, such as genetics, physical trauma, gum disease, or another particular condition. The good news is that dentures are incredibly versatile and can be a good solution for most adults who are struggling with tooth loss. Of course, our team will need to evaluate your oral health to verify if you’re free of any underlying issues before moving forward with providing custom-designed prosthetics, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and an infection.

Can I Sleep With My Dentures In?

At least for the first 24 hours after receiving your new dentures, you’ll likely be instructed to keep them on all day, including during sleep. Afterward, it’ll be best to remove your prosthetics before going to bed and have them soak throughout the night. This is essential as your gum tissue will need to have sufficient rest to collect the minerals it needs to remain strong and healthy. Plus, leaving your dentures on for too long can allow debris and bacteria to accumulate between them and your gum line, which can end up introducing complications down the road, such as gum disease and infection. Be sure to soak your dentures in a cup of water or denture cleanser to keep them bacteria-free until you wear them again.

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get Dentures After Having a Tooth Extracted?

Firstly, our team will need to take accurate impressions of your smile so that we can develop dentures that fit properly and comfortably. After extracting a tooth, it’ll be natural for the area to swell during recovery. Taking impressions at this time can end up leading to dentures that don’t fit correctly, so we’ll have to wait until you’re completely healed before moving forward with your treatment. We may have to wait two to six weeks after your tooth extraction(s) so that your gums have a chance to recover efficiently, this way we can take precise impressions and minimize our chances for error.